Grade A Tutoring & Learning Centre
Your child's success
is our business!
With our group of professional tutors, you can trust that your child is in the right hands.
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Micro School
A Great Place to learn

About Our School
Grade A Micro primary school designed for parents who are interested in homeschooling but need assistance and for those parents who wish to continue online learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
We work with students at the Primary level from standards 2-5 levels. Students can choose to write the SEA exam at the end of the standard 5 level or they can continue at the secondary level in a similar online schooling programme.

How it works
At Grade A, we understand that online learning has its challenges. Larger class sizes make it difficult for some students to learn and students need some form of interaction with their peers.
As a result, our classes are small (maximum 10) to ensure that your child is not lost in the crowd. We follow the curriculum as outlined by the Ministry of Education of Trinidad and Tobago. We utilize a mixture of live online classes with offline work from Monday to Thursday between the hours of 9 am to 1:30 pm.
Students can also connect by participating in one of our recommended clubs or a club of their choice as well as by participating in one of our monthly meet-ups to ensure that their socialization needs are met. Learn more about this here.

Check our timetable
Our online primary school is divided into upper and lower schools. The lower school refers to students from standards 1-3 while upper school refers to students from standards 4 and 5. The lower school is the foundation years where students are able to learn the basics. Once they have mastered the basics they can then move on to the upper school where they can choose the write the SEA exam.
Lower school
Upper School

The cost for this service is as follows:
Registration Fee: $100
Assessment: $150
Termly Fee: $3000-(Payment plan available)
Extra curricular fees vary
Parents much purchase devices and other equipment to facilitate learning.
If you would like to learn more about our school, call us at 324-5496, send an email to or send us a message by clicking the button below.