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How to start homeschooling in Trinidad and Tobago

Updated: Sep 27, 2020

Recently, we at Grade A Tutoring and Learning Centre have received numerous calls from parents wanting to learn more about homeschooling. Many of these parents were interested in embarking on this journey for several reasons. If you are one of those parents who are interested in the idea of homeschooling, here are some tips which can help you on your journey. 1. Set a goal. Setting a goal is an important aspect of homeschooling. You need to decide your goals. Will your child be homeschooled for a short time or long term? Some parents choose to homeschool because they are unable to get their child into a school of their choice after writing the Secondary Entrance Assessment (S.E.A.)Examination or after relocating Others do it during the primary school years but opt for their kids to go to a formal secondary school. While there are those who homeschool at both the Primary and Secondary school levels. 2. Choose a curriculum. After deciding your goal the next step would be to decide on a curriculum. This would be based on your goals. For example if you choose to let your kids write the S.E.A. Examination you would need to follow the Trinidad and Tobago Primary School curriculum. There are lots of resources available online so just do some research. 3. Choose an instructor. Decide on who will be doing the instructions. Will you be doing it? Will you hire a tutor? Will you be doing a mixture of both? Any parent can homeschool as long as they have successfully completed Secondary level education. If you believe that you need extra support feel free to hire a tutor to assist you. 4. Plan. After choosing a curriculum and deciding on an instructor, think about where you will be doing the tutoring. You should also create a timetable and gather educational material. Please note that you do not need 6-7 hours of schooling per day because it will be one on one instruction. We personally do 4 hours daily which allows us to complete a lot of work. 5. After doing all of the above the next step would be to notify the school in which the child is enrolled that you would be removing them from that school to begin homeschooling. This should be done in writing and a copy should be kept for yourself. Homeschooling is legal in Trinidad and Tobago. There are several persons who homeschool their kids. If you are interested in homeschooling your kids and need help please feel free to contact us at Grade A Tutoring and Learning Centre. We provide homeschooling assistance in Trinidad and Tobago.

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